Friday, June 24, 2011

Wednesday Walk

Pictures from this past Wednesday, Deer Lake, Canada:)

trying a different filter here:)

I've still I got a few more shots that I want to edit, so I'll update this blog entry a tad later:)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Birds, Bees, & Greenery

So, more trips to Deer Lake for me, since the weather has been good and I've not been in the mood to travel farther:)

Photos from this Monday:

Followed this heron around through the bushes. Needless to say I got mud on my shoes again:P

snail on a tree!

I love taking pictures of grass. It's so soothing whilst moving with the wind

these waterlily shots I had to take lying belly flat on a floating dock thingie by the lake;)

See previous entries for more Deer Lake "documentation":)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer Walk 2

Took another trip to Deer Lake on Thursday. Here's the proof:)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer Walk

I love going for walks, especially those around a lake, and even more so during nice warm weather.
So here are some shots that I took on one of such walks from this past Sunday:)

Location: Deer Lake, Burnaby, Canada

some water lilies just beginning to peek through

I wish I knew what this flower was called

I was really lucky to see a Barred Owl this time! I've never seen one before either:) And it was sitting so close to the path too...still at that moment I wish I had brought my zoom lens:( Alas only a 35mm was a hand.